Yes, the do look alike which is slightly creepy, but still a cute photo.
Someday I will manipulate my boyfriend into doing this. I don’t know what is happening here but I think I like it. Doing a total WeHo Party Photo Booth pose. Sure, there’s no proof that any of these guys are actually couples, but what is the point of looking back on history if you can’t mold it to fit your modern-day agenda? Thus, for the purpose of this post I will be assuming all these guys are Gay, and that they had great relationships and loved each other until they died, happy as clams. Not only is their style totally unique and exciting, the fact that they were forced to love each other in secret makes these photographs all the more titillating. However, there is one type of couple it’s impossible to hate. With Valentines Day upon us, many of us have couple-hatred on the mind.